HealthTrainU™ Offers Personalized Healthcare Courses.

HealthTrainU™ now offers you individual courses for your specific needs. If you need just a few credit hours to fulfill your licensing, credentialing or compliance requirements, we are here to assist you! As an IACET Accredited Provider, you can be sure HealthTrainU education meets and exceeds the accreditation standard we must adhere to. Some courses are also approved or accepted by other credentialing agencies. Look for your organization beside the course title.*

Every HealthTrainU course is researched and developed by industry experts, so you know our content is top-notch and available to you at any time on-line. A certificate is awarded upon successful completion (score of 80% or better) and you have the ability to access your Certificate and Student Transcript for one year from sign-up.

Simply select the area of study to see the categorized courses. Clicking on those links will bring up the courses in that library. From there, click on “Add To Cart” and then go on to the next step. Please feel free to call us at: (806)-781-2512 or at: if you are having any difficulty or questions.

2 1/4 hours

DDT101: Driver/Delivery Technician Fast Facts

Often the Driver/Delivery Technician is the only one from your company the end-user ever knows or meets. Being “the company" brings great responsibility and opportunities to make a positive difference. This course is covers this important job – attitude, reimbursement, customer needs, and a detailed description of the delivery process.
Price: $25.00 CEUs: 0.30
1 1/2 hours

DDT102: Infection Control - Video

Accompanied by a video, this course does a thorough job of covering the very specific universal precautions necessary for a driver/delivery technician, including details on cleaning and disinfecting, use of protective barriers and routine practices. With infection control being so important in today's climate, your driver/delivery technician should be aware of controlling their environment.
Price: $25.00 CEUs: 0.20
1 1/2 hours

DDT103: Home & Environment Assessment - Video

This course offers great detail in the team effort involved in assessment of the home and environment, with a focus on the role of the Driver/Delivery Technician. The course outlines what to review for home assessment, environmental risk factors and consideration of patient needs and concerns.
Price: $25.00 CEUs: 0.20
2 1/4 hours

DDT121: Manual Wheelchairs - Video

Manual wheelchairs are among the most common products provided by HME companies, and also among the most critical and complex. This comprehensive course takes the Driver/Delivery Technician’s expertise with manual chairs to a whole new level, covering all of the details for wheelchair selection, operation, adjustment, maintenance and repair.
Price: $25.00 CEUs: 0.20
2 1/4 hours

DDT131: Comprehensive O2 Service - Video

The provision of medical oxygen is critical to the quality of our patient’s lives. This series of three courses (including DDT 132 and DDT 133) and accompanied by a video, fully explains the opportunity for the Driver/Delivery Technician to impact positively the lives of his respiratory customers. This first course offers a comprehensive overview of respiratory equipment and accessories.
Price: $25.00 CEUs: 0.20
2 1/4 hours

DDT132: Patient Education and Instruction - Respiratory Equipment

Beyond delivery and set-up of the proper respiratory equipment, it is often the role of the Driver/Delivery Technician to instruct the patient and caregivers in its use and to create a comfort level of understanding and security for these new users. This comprehensive course, second in a series, offers item by item steps for setting up and instructing on oxygen equipment.
Price: $25.00 CEUs: 0.20
3 hours

DDT133: O2 Transport and Tracking

This course teaches home medical equipment (HME) driver/delivery technicians how to safely transport medical oxygen from their business to their patients' homes. Lesson by lesson, we will emphasize all of the rules that impact your work.
Price: $25.00 CEUs: 0.20
2 1/2 hours

DDT401: Driver/Delivery Tech Refresher: Including Wheelchair and Oxygen

This refresher course is the same as DDT302, but adds oxygen delivery and patient education for those companies that provide both wheelchairs and oxygen.
Price: $25.00 CEUs: 0.20
2 1/4 hours

DDT302: Driver/Delivery Technician Refresher w/Oxygen

This refresher course is the same as DDT301, but focuses only on respiratory and is a great summary on oxygen delivery and patient instruction.
Price: $25.00 CEUs: 0.20
2 1/4 hours

DDT301: Driver/Delivery Technician Refresher w/Wheelchairs

To most of the customers of your company, as a Driver/Delivery Technician, you are the face of the company, often the only one your customer will ever meet. This refresher summarizes several of the of skills you need to possess concerning your daily tasks, courtesy in the home and home assessment. We also touch on the impact of grief on your customers and a small piece on the important issue of back safety. Finally, there is a great summary on manual wheelchairs.
Price: $25.00 CEUs: 0.20
*Pre-ATP means RESNA will accept the course for credit prior to taking the ATP exam. RA means RESNA has accepted that course for post-ATP credit. HealthTrainU™ has been approved as an Accredited Provider ( Verify our IACET Accreditation) by the International Accreditors for Continuing and Training (IACET). Your national or state association credentialing needs may be different. Always check to verify that IACET CEUs will fulfill those credentialing requirements.